How to convert pdfs to word documents and image files



The best miễn phí PDF to Word converters make it simple and easy to lớn convert Adobe files for use in Microsoft applications.

Bạn đang xem: How to convert pdfs to word documents and image files

You’re probably not new to PDFs, aka Portable Document Format files, as they are everywhere in the business world. This format was developed by Adobe for easier sharing between operating systems and computers with limited editing and modification. Of course, they may be simpler to giới thiệu or print, but they’re much harder khổng lồ edit without special software.

It’s because of this restriction that PDF khổng lồ word converters have such a useful place in the workplace. While it’s easy to turn a word document into a PDF, it’s usually not possible to go the other way. While this has been a growing frustration as PDFs have become more mainstream over the years, a number of converters have cropped up khổng lồ fill the void. Khổng lồ help you, we’ve tested và collected our đứng đầu picks, all of which are free, in this guide.

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We evaluated these PDF to lớn Word converters across various aspects, including batch conversion, document protection, image quality, và conversion page limits.

We’ve highlighted the strengths and key features of each converter, but if you need lớn edit your PDFs while sticking to lớn the file format, take a look through our best không tính tiền PDF editors guide.

The best PDF lớn Word converter overall is: Adobe Acrobat DCIf you want lớn make the most of PDFs, Adobe Acrobat DC is unquestionably the best tool for the job. It allows you to lớn create PDFs from scratch, edit them natively, convert them to just about any format. You can vày this on any desktop or sản phẩm điện thoại device, and easily collaborate with others through the Adobe Document Cloud. It"s not free like the options below, but it"s more affordable than you might expect with various plans available." data-widget-type="deal" data-render-type="editorial">
The best PDF to Word converter overall is: Adobe Acrobat DCIf you want khổng lồ make the most of PDFs, Adobe Acrobat DC is unquestionably the best tool for the job. It allows you to lớn create PDFs from scratch, edit them natively, convert them to just about any format. You can bởi vì this on any desktop or smartphone device, and easily collaborate with others through the Adobe Document Cloud. It"s not free like the options below, but it"s more affordable than you might expect with various plans available.